A conveniência de um legado adequável: representações de Tiradentes e da Inconfidência Mineira durante a Ditadura Militar




The present dissertation is a research about the contribution of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship to the consolidation, construction and movement of the Inconfidência Mineiras memory. The problem is the construction and the elaborated visions or reinforced about that movement thats so important to Brazilian people. Through newspapers Estado de Minas and Jornal do Brasil, speeches, official documents and didactic material were drawn the discursive strategies that are responsible for extracting of the myth everything that he could offer contribution for the acceptance of the Dictatorial Regime in Brazil among 1964-1984. The political-ideological use of the Conspiracy of 1789 prioritized Tiradentes, because of his heroism. The reasons for that choice go from Tiradentes s consecration as national hero and leader of the Conspiracy to the fact that he was a member of Cavalry and, therefore, soldierly. The focuses more commonly explored by Brazilian politicians that see in the Inconfidência a comparison point, evocation of examples or debt of gratitude are the progress and the freedom. In case of the Military Dictatorship those two points were explored, but in smaller scale, because freedom and dictatorship don t combine. The key words for the appropriation in this period would be militarism, religiosity and discipline.


minas gerais história. brasil historia conjuração mineira, 1789 teses. brasil historia 1964-1985 teses. história teses. tiradentes, 1748-1792.

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