A contribuição do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de produção textual em língua inglesa para o letramento do aluno




This case study based on principles of educational ethnography purports to analyze how the writing pedagogy in English as a foreign language (EFL) can contribute to students’ literacy development. The purpose of the case study was to describe and analyze the teaching-learning process of writing in EFL throughout a year (two semesters of the Intermediate Course) in an English Language Teaching Institute. A group comprised of 16 students aged 13-18 was selected, and a carefully planned writing pedagogy was followed, allowing students to practice the process of writing in all its necessary stages, including peer revision and rewriting. Data was obtained by way of participant observation, which included note-taking and recordings; interviews with and questionnaires administered to students; texts produced; peer review forms; and recordings of student interactions during peer review activities. This process allowed us to investigate student progress and reactions throughout the year, as well as to identify the most effective strategies in providing students with the scaffolding they need to improve their writing. Another objetive of this thesis was to investigate how the teaching of writing in the ELT Institute relates to the teaching of writing in students’ native language (L1) in the regular schools attended by some of the students in the group. To that end, we observed a pedagogical sequence around the argumentative text in the ninth grade in the three schools selected for the study. These schools were selected because they are the ones most students in the Intermediate Course attend. The teachers and Portuguese coordinators of the schools were also interviewed. The data obtained by way of observations and interviews was triangulated with that obtained by way of interviews with students and analyses of their writings. It was concluded that, in the participating regular schools, the teaching of writing seems to focus more on the product than on the process, even though in each of them certain features of a process approach were observed. In this sense, sometimes these schools fail to provide students with the scaffolding they need to plan and organize their writing, as well as opportunities to revise and rewrite their texts. Since teachers in the ELT Institute deal with a smaller number of students in the classroom, are free of some of the internal and external pressures that regular school writing teachers face, and have been working with process writing for many years, their teaching of writing, even in English, can fill some of the gaps left by the regular schools in their teaching of writing in L1. Thus, the writing pedagogy in EFL based on a process approach can contribute to students’ literacy by providing them with the scaffolding that the regular schools are not yet including in their pedagogy.


text genre writing as a process revisão por pares gêneros textuais l1 writing escrita como um processo writing in english as a foreign language (efl) peer revision educacao produção textual língua inglesa

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