A contribuição do gerenciamento eletrônico de documentos (GED) para o processo de reconhecimento de firma nos tabelionatos de notas da cidade de Salvador. / The contribution of electronic document management(GED) for the recognition process in firmpublic notaries notes of the city of Salvador.




This dissertation discusses the use of the technological electronic management of documents in the process of notarizing in the city of Salvador. The general objective is to analyze which contributions the use of this technology brought to the notarizing service. It takes into consideration the following: the information both manual and technological of the whole process; the analysis of how the flow of the process happens; the characteristics of the ones involved in the process and their performance in the informational flow during the process; and the identification of quality standards, security and credibility of the notarizing service. The method used in this research was inductive through observation of some phenomenon, findings about the relationship between them, and the generalization of this relationship. The strategy used was the case study. The objective was to investigate a phenomenon in a real life context with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The research was developed in the notaries in Salvador through unstructured interviews with notaries and later all the employees involved in the process had to answer some questionnaires. According to those interviewed, the technology implemented in the process of notarizing in Salvador brought important contributions to improving some administrative processes such as: better receipt control, more security in the signature recognition and more productivity.


edms ged ciencia da informacao tabelionato digitalização digitalization documentos eletrônicos documents management electronic documents gestão de documentos

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