A construção social da temporalidade e a articulação entre trabalho doméstico e assalariado: o caso das mulheres executivas




This doctoral dissertation in the Humanities aims to investigate the issue of links between business womens career and family life, using as thread of analysis the matters of temporality and organization of everyday life. The study focused on the debate between paid work and housework. The Time Use Research methodology was used in order to understand aspects of the organization of business womens daily life, such as the division of household labor among family members and the involvement of each individual in everyday activities as leisure, personal care, etc. Also, having as purpose a better understanding of the complex relationships between career and family dynamics, more qualitative variables were associated, collected through interviews that were carried out with the business woman and her spouse. These interviews have highlighted how the division of housework was constructed within each family group, which individual and family strategies were activated in this construction and what perceptions the individuals have of their everyday reality. The analysis of the collected material allows a glimpse of the complexity of the articulation process between career and family life, understood in material and symbolic terms, through the analysis of practices and discourses, not always coherent and stable, which point to the dynamic nature of the gender relations construction process.


sociologia teses. trabalho teses. mercado de trabalho teses. mulheres executivas teses.

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