A construção do imaginário missionário na correspondência epistolar de Antônio Sepp / A construção do imaginário missionário na correspondência epistolar de Antônio Sepp / A construção do imaginário missionário na correspondência epistolar de Antônio Sepp / A construção do imaginário missionário na correspondência epistolar de Antônio Sepp / A construção do imaginário missionário na correspondência epistolar de Antônio Sepp




This work assesses the constitution of the missionary imaginary from the approach of the writings of the missionary Jesuit Antônio Sepp. It investigates the function performed by the articulated speech in the concerned writings. It argues that in the Sepps writings, the proposition of a legitimating imaginary of its missionary action is articulated. It ponders that this speech presents itself as an element of constitution of reality sense and of an idealized anticipation of a state of things to be effective. The research approaches the writing concept of history and the notion of imaginary as referential of analysis of the elements investigated. It develops reflections about representations of articulated identities from the observation of the other different from themselves. It questions matters regarding the perception and comprehension of alteration. It brings the theme to comprehension about practices and missionary initiatives developed between the indigenous people. It considers aspects concerning to the results of the missionary action described by Sepp in his reports.


missão imaginary mission teologia imaginário teologia e histÓria reduções reductions

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