A construção do envelhecimento / The aging construction




The present dissertation analysis the way people prepare themselves to age with quality of life. To achieve such goal, two groups of six individuals each were interviewed in order to carry out a comparative study. The outcome of that experiment has shed light into the main aspects that influence people healthy ageing, namely: biological, social, economical and relational affection. The two interviewed groups were composed of people aged between forty and fifty. One group takes part in PUCs Gerontology Program and the other one do not have any specific knowledge about gerontology. The following study was made in the period to August 2004 from August 2002. We have made an effort to integrate several areas of knowledge by an interdisciplinary work, understanding that subjects are integrated to a bio-psychosocial context. Data collecting and interview analysis followed a qualitative methodology supported by Minayo M., Gil, A. C. and Severino, J. A.. These authors mainly assisted the understanding of subjective variables that influences different ways of getting old. The methodology has enabled us to make an interpretative analysis from the comparative results showed by the two groups. This survey is based on the following authors: Simone Beauvior, Guita Debert, Elizabete Mercadante and Michael Foucault. By this study was possible to understand better the way that those groups feel the present moment and how they organise themselves to get old in different terms, targeting increased longevity as well as to get conscious about the need to create new manners that will allow them to achieve future projects. These projects could outline a new momentum breaking up the current paradigm: an old age with no purpose at all that just makes old people wait for the death.


construção do envelhecimento aging process qualidade de vida envelhecimento processo de envelhecimento quality of life ciências humanas building old age up

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