A construção da sustentabilidade e os desafios à conservação da biodiversidade : unidades de conservação e gestão dos recursos naturais em Londrina/ PR


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this reasearch is to analyse how biodiversity conservation strategies, having stemmed from a social construction about the interaction between environment and society, express themselves through different modalities of management and ownership of natural resources. Using protected areas as the most visible aspect of these strategies, it will be discussed the limitations and potentialities they bring to the construction of sustainability -using as an example the creation of a protected area in the city of Londrina, PR - we will show that sustainability is a political construction that requires the social-cultural system significant changes in its modes of appropriation of natural resources and the way of their interaction with nature.


meio ambiente - aspectos sociais - londrina(pr) desenvolvimento sustentável - aspectos sociais - londrina(pr) biodiversidade environment sustainable development biodiversity

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