A construção da imaginação da criança: do desenho à escrita / The construction of children imagination: draw to write




This study focused on the strategies that the child uses to cope with the plans of reality and imagination in the rewriting of stories. For this, use the theoretical postulates of the acquisition of language, to the base in Ehrlich (1983), Hudson and Nelson (1984), and Teberosky Ferreiro (1990) and Graesser, Golding and Long (1991) and whose contributions deal with the rewriting ; the contributions of theory sociointeracionista from Bakhtin (1988, 1992) and Vygotsky (1987, 1988), to consider the value of interactive strategies used by children to deal with the plans of reality and imagination, the study of Ginzburg (1989), to consider the status of natural evidence left by children in their texts, and the contributions of theories about imagination, both of philosophical bias, as the studies of Kant ([1781] 1984), Kearney (1988), Sartre ( [1936] 1989), Bachelard ([1941] 1989), Bergson ([1896] 1999), among others, or sociocultural, with contributions of Vygotsky ([1986] 2007). In order to analyze the strategies that the child uses to cope with the plans of reality and imagination in the rewriting of stories, we use 200 texts collected longitudinally, in June and November 1997 and in june and october 1998, by professor of the Department of Lyrics Vernacular of the Federal University of Ceara, Ana Célia Clementino Moura. The collection of these texts took place in rooms of literacy, 1st and 2nd rounds of a private school in Fortaleza-CE. Our analysis has enabled us to see that the design was the most used by children of GA (Group of Literacy), but in productions of the children of G1 (Group of the 1st series), the use of punctuation with light-discursive style was the strategy used more. We believe that this actually happened in the case of GA, due to the initial contact with these children and also the production written by the knowledge of the elements that make this type of language, as regards the G1, we believe that this actually happened, possibly , The discovery of other possibilities for the use of punctuation marks, that relates not only to use rules but to use this feature style of writing.


língua portuguesa - português escrito - fortaleza(ce) linguistica aplicada crianças - escrita psicolinguística - fortaleza(ce) desenho infantil - fortaleza(ce) crianças - linguagem imaginação em crianças

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