A construção da cultura de paz no contexto da instituição escolar




The construction of Peace Culture is presented as a dynamic process that crosses the Humanity History. The necessity of its consolidation is revealed in a collective and individual scope, being institutionally guaranteed through national and international documents and declarations. The Education and scholar institution assume, in this context, essential function beside the formation of pacific individuals and social transformation agents, contributing in the process of peace construction in its social and individual comprehension. The Education for Peace encloses, in this direction, the Education concerning Peace, contemplating the contents connected to its objectives, and the Education in Peace, that encloses the construction of pacific spaces of development and learning. The aim of the present work was to identify the professors and students conceptions of a public educative institution in the Federal District concerning the Peace Culture construction in the school, as well as verifying the practices developed and suggested for the different actors with sights to the development of pacific actions in the educative institution. Based in the sociocultural construtivist perspective for the study of human development, that contemplates the constituent paper of the sociocultural contexts in the individual development, the individuals active and intentional paper in relation to its development and the bidirectional transmission of culture, the present research focused on the school as privileged space of conviviality and learning and contemplated the joint enters the theoretical considerations concerning the Peace Education and the conceptions of the professors and students for its accomplishment in the school context. Eight teachers who acted from the pre-school till the first segment of primary school and ten students of 4th grade of the same educational institution had participated of this research. For it, the research was proceeded into three sessions with professors interview group and two sessions with students interview group, analyzing the contents and thematic categories. The professors results had contemplated their conception of peace, how peace is constructed, where and how to work peace in the school, internal scholar difficulties in the construction of peace and action proposals for its construction in school institution. The students had presented themselves as constructors of peace, had displayed actions that do not collaborate to peace in the school and had indicated school professionals and family actions and ambient improvements for the construction of peace. The conclusions of the research point the possibility and the necessity of the Peace Cultures construction in the school institution through general educative strategies for the school professionals and students; and specific strategies, for professors, students, family and community, involving measured that contemplate since the internal scholar relations until proposals in scope of educational politics.


educação - socialização escolas públicas - distrito federal (brasil) psicologia educacional psicologia

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