A construÃÃo identitÃria regional pelas topografias discursivas das canÃÃes do "Pessoal do CearÃ" / The construction of the regional identification by discursive topograpies of the songs of "Pessoal do CearÃ"




In this research, we propose to investigate a discursive regional position with all kinds of investments attached to it. Therefore, we took as a basis Maingueneau (1997, 2001, 2004, 2005), a French line discourse annalist, and Costa (2001), who applies the most general concepts of positioning and investment to the literary. The concepts of discursive position, topography and investments are primary in this work: in order to accomplish our task, we fulfilled three stages: 1. To explain how other elements which make up the set design (enunciator, co-enunciator and chronography) as well as the notions of scenographic, ethic and linguistic investments contribute to the construction of cearenses/Northeastern topographies 2. Analysis of the corpus in which the identification of the discoursive topography is carried out 3. Identify of a cearense/Northeastern identity at the positioning, by means of a characterization of a possible topographic investiment. In order to accomplish the study of regional marking, we took as a basis Pimentel (1994) and Costa (2001) who seeks evidences of cearense regionality within discursive position âPessoal do CearÃâ, considering, at the oral level, the physical space, the thematization of local values, the shared ethic investments and the regionality defined by the song composers in his own direction within the Brazilian popular music. At the musical level, we investigate the kinds of music, the instruments and the singing style as well. We also explore the topographies of the songs, which in our opinion, represent elements which are fundamental to the construction of the regional cearense identification in musical terms at that period, which can be characterized through a sort of photography of that period, and of the cearenses landscapes as well


posicionamento investimentos cenogrÃfico, Ãtico e lingÃÃstico regional topographis belchior,1946- - crÃtica e interpretaÃÃo pessoal do cearà (movimento musical) mÃsica popular - cearà - histÃria e crÃtica linguistica topografias regionais brazilian popular music discourse identity ednardo,1945- - crÃtica e interpretaÃÃo regionalismo na mÃsica - cearà anÃlise do discurso discurso literomusical brasileiro identidade discursive position scenographic, ethic and linguistic investments fagner,1950- - crÃtica e interpretaÃÃo canÃÃes - cearà - histÃria e crÃtica mÃsica e linguagem

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