A constituição do sujeito em Paul Ricoeur: uma proposta ética e hermenêutica




This paper deals with three big themes in the history of philosophy: the subject, the comprehension and the language. The main aim is to present the importance of hermeneutics in the subjectivity constitution not only about the interpretation of the world of the text, but also in an ethical renewed proposal in which the me-myself is generated (constantly) by the dialectic between the ipse identity (self) and the idem identity (same). The Ricoeur subject differentiates from I, from ego, from conscience; it is the itself reflexive of all people. This itself, that in Cogito is a truth immediate, in Ricoeur, it is not data, but a task, a double ethical and hermeneutics task. The text, the writing, the narrative are places where the comprehension of itself, of the world and the others through deconstruction, of the loss of I, and of its reconstruction in another level of maturation and refinement of the itself identity happens.Authors such as Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Gadamer had an outstanding place in this setting making Paul Ricoeur philosophy appear and develops. Thanks to them, important philosophic lines like pragmatic and hermeneutics emerged and became the focus point in contemporary times. The intention of creating a linguistic model which is purely logical, universal and free from any ambiguity; the form of conceiving the subject as transcendental subject out of time and space; the reduction of language as a mere communication instrument, were some of the criticisms raised by the authors. Through them we could perceive the human language, in its entire ambiguity, no more as an impediment in the search for the truth and world knowledge by a transcendental subject, but as the own condition of possibility in direction to the identity construction of historical and finite subjects


hermeneutics subject linguagem language filosofia hermenêutica pragmática pragmatic sujeito

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