A constitucionalidade da segurança pública : reflexões político-jurídicas sobre o estatuto das polícias civis com base nas policias de São Paulo e do Ceará




The objective of this work is to show that the situation of subordination that exists between the member states civil police in relationship to the respective State Executive Powers, substantiated by the 6th paragraph of the article 144 of the 1988 Constitution of the Brazilian Federative Republic, possesses negative consequences that are incompatible with the exercise of the function of the judicial police attributed to the bodies of the civil police by the Federal Constitution. Based on a case study of the civil police of the states of São Paulo and Ceará and on bibliographical research of the constitutional and infra-constitucional norms that regulate those bodies of police, we shown that the process of emancipation of the Brazilian states judicial police is a necessary condition to make them more democratic, republican and efficient institutions within the justice scope.


constitucionalidade - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional

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