A concretização do direito ao trabalho e as pessoas com deficiência intelectual: uma análise a partir da situação da cidade de Osasco/SP / The concretization of the right to labor and the people with Intellectual disability: an analysis focused on the city of Osasco/SP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this research is to demonstrate that the right to labor (as a social right, according to the Federal Constitution of 1988) is not a reality to all Brazilian citizens, especially to people to with disabilities, therefore creating a barrier to the development of Human Rights. The entrance in the capitalist business world depends solely on the individual skills of the worker. Their education is a pre-requisite to the participation within the selection process, i.e. the premise of the human capital theory. Thus, the school, the main mediator between the family and the future business world, incorporates to itself the role of social institution, responsible for the formation and preparation of all people, including the ones with disabilities. However, people with intellectual disability, in special, are found in a process of exclusion, mainly from the professional life, even when they represent a large share among people with disabilities in general, according to the data from the census. Special education - even after the launching of the National Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education by MEC, in 2008, and with the following alterations in the school perspective - was unable to revert, in adequate proportion, the educational perspective to people with intellectual disability, which resulted in a low number of people from this segment being hired by companies. By striving for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the work environment, the Law number 8.213 (Art. 93), known as law of shares, was passed in Brazil, in 1991, providing that 2 to 5% of the workforce should be of people with some kind of disability. However, as the data from the 2007 to 2010 RAIS shows, even with reduction in the hiring of people with disabilities in the formal market, in this very period, there is an increase in the recruitment of people with intellectual disability. In Osasco, a city from the metropolitan area of São Paulo/SP, there was an increase above national average rate of recruitment of people with intellectual deficiency. The studies conducted in the research tried to demonstrate the correlation between the inclusive education, the professional formation, and the awareness of the ones involved in the diligence of the law, through the results obtained by hiring people with intellectual disability in this city.


deficiência intelectual direito ao trabalho intellectual disability law of shares lei de cotas right to labor

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