A comunidade terapeutica Clinica de Repouso Santa Fe : uma experiencia que permanece




The main purpose of this work is to deseribe an altemative treatment of the mental patient stimulating him or her to beeome soeiable and partieipate in the proeess of treatment as an addition to the therapeutieal processo It was undertaken by means of a qualitative researeh approaeh employing the following instruments: . As what eoncems the Clínica de Repouso Santa Fé: a survey ofthe patients files, an assessment of historieal informations, a bibliographieal review of the issues under study and a elose following of all the Clínica s aetivities. . As regards the patients themselves, informal interviews with the inrnates and their relatives, direet participation of ali daily aetivities at the Clínica right from individual attention, aetivities in the oeeupational therapy workshops, operative groups, psyehotherapie groups, reereation and sport aetivities, commemorations and annual events at the Clínica to the living together groups, monitor groups, groups with relatives, as well as aIeoholie, drugaddieted and psyehotie groups. . The teehnieal staff was aIso objeet of tlÍis study as proper teehnieal and personal training is absolutely neeessary for sueh type of work: reflexion groups, study groups, teehnieal staff meetings and eommunity meetings (the latter with the monitors taking part). . Referenee for analysis was based on authors that present the eommunity proposal of the mental patients aeeompaniment and that work with group psyehotherapies. Psyehoanalytie, group analytie psehotherapy and social issues eoneepts sueh as eoneept of eommunity, of so ealled traditional institutions and institutions that offer eommunity proposals, were also objeet of our study. Based on the follow-up of the therapeutical process and on the patients progressive sociability, this study enabled the researchers to accompany several forms of psychopathologies as well as allowed their effective participation. Taking into account that the mental patient brings about serious problems of family and social relationship which is one of the difficulties that cause isolation of the mental patient, not believing in himselt: psychotherapic accompaniment along with intense process of developing sociability is of utmost importance in order to wholly reintegrate the patient socially and at work


loucura serviço de saude mental terapeutica

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