The people who nowadays make use of a specialized organization in the field of the health, will meet find professionals whose job is to develop assistant activities and this job requires more than technical competences. They are doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, nutritionists, occupational therapists, social assistants, among others, who, besides the procedures and functions related to their specific areas of knowledge, have to establish with the patients they deal with, interpersonal relations. There is enough literature, which demonstrates to exist relief from the patients in relation to the upgrade of condition in the social work when the professional have better conditions to realize the reasons for the variety of behaviors of their patients. In this perspective, an interaction with the intention of understanding better the necessities, anxiety, expectations and also anger, are of great importance. It is also known the fact that many complaints and dissatisfaction with the services offered by these institutions could be avoided or even lessened when the patients feel they are comprehended and respected by the professional responsible for their well being. The lack of answering of the patients demands and the observation, from the patients, which the emotional aspects in relation to the person who is helping them is being eglected, may lead this person to think that the service offered for him is of a bad quality. This study has the objective of knowing, in the interpersonal communication field, the kinds of social interactions constituted through the formation of demands, expectation and perception of these social actors, as well as the understanding of the relation patient server. For this reason we will study the principal concepts of service, quality and the theoretical foundation of the conceptual model formulated by PARASURAMAN, ZEITHAML &BERRY and their posterior refinements which result in the Servqual scale, whose conception determines the quality of services of any kind detected by specific clients, which result in a hiatus between the initial expectations and the realized performance of this service. The Servqual scale was the main theoretical instrument used in this study. As we understand the current society as a systemic net, we will study the gaps between the expectations and perceptions of a specific clientele of the services offered by a hospital company specia lized in maternity. It is a research which has the objective to determine in which dimensions of quality, the interpersonal communication presents greater influence, working as a regulator mechanism of the perception of the services offered with a quality view.


communication comunicação interpessoal comunicacao quality comunicação services interpersonal communication qualidade serviços perception percepção

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