A compulsão a linguagem na psicanalise : teoria lacaniana e psicanalise pragmatica




This work is a critical exposition of conceptuallinks manifestedby the Lacanian theory and the pragmatic psychoanalysis, the latter circumscribed to texts of both Marcia Cavell and Jurandir Freire Costa. It is intended to get a panoramic presentation from the conceptual composition and ftom the meaning that the words acquire in the whole of each theoreticalpractice,without overlooking the exegeticalinvestigation.The two types of psychoanalytical theory are called "linguistic psychoanalysis", as they appealled to certain conceptions of language as a form of resolution of metaphysical and clinical problems inherited from Freudian theory. Nonetheless, their theoretical behaviour are considered as compuJsive,inasmuch as their theoreticalpractice blindly obey to a set of technicsand procedures incorporated to the action of cleaning the theory ftom conceptualimpurities.Each one adoptedits own conceptionoflanguage. Lacan, as an alternative to the referential conception of language presupposed by Freud, employed an idealist conception, and the pragmatic sychoanalysisresorted to a behavioral point of view, to accomplish their respective tasks. The work consists in questioning Lacan s substantialization of language, and the mentalism and mecanicism presented in the pragmatic psychoanalysiscase. Nothing seems to indicate that clinics would need such resorts, nor that those theories would not introduced new metaphysical problems


psicanalise e filosofia linguagem - filosofia

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