A complexidade no ensino da homeopatia




The Homeopathy introduces itself with epistemological elements that are distinct from those of the convencional medicine, the reason of it is that the Homeopathy contemplates within his science different levels of reality, of perception and cure of the pacient. Because of this, it has been denied to the homeopathy the scientific status that validates this new way of knowledge. Assuming that the research and medical practice can no longer stick to the linear modern scientific paradigm, emerges the need for new models of knowledge, so that the mankind is considered in a comprehensive and singular way. Thus, the search for scientific status of homeopathy requires the assumption of a new paradigm. The analogy between the complex logic and the homeopathic logic shows the equivalence from the thoughts of Samuel Hahnemann, creator of the homeopathic method, and Edgar Morin, who proposed the method of Complexity. The importance of a different view on the research concerning the Homeopathy is that the modern medicine cannot stand itself having as reference the old scientific paradigm and his linear thought and, therefore, the medical community has to reach out for answers within a new parameter, a way of thought that includes several factors in the treatment of the pacient, and not only the biological. The introduction of Homeopathy in the medical education curriculum allows the reconfiguration of the health / disease and enables the training of medical professionals to interact and act globally, considering the biological, social and psychological sides of man, prioritizing a holistic approach. The complex way of thought - allied with the Homeopathy and its individual treatment - comes to deliver this new vision about modern medicine, a more human medicine, which relies in the reconstruction of the relationship doctor-pacient and in a different view of the illness itself.


educação médica homeopatia - ensino superior homeopatia - epistemologia medical education homepathy - education higher

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