A "colcha de retalhos" da metropole paulista : simples aglomerados ou sistemas produtivos e inovativos na industria do vestuario? / The São Paulo metropolis "patchwork": straight forward agglomerates or innovative and productive systems in the clothing industry?




This study addresses the question in the Metropolitan space, of processes of learning and innovation. The São Paulo Metropolis gets into XXIst century preserving a "patchwork" of diversified productive agglomerations. The purpose of this research is to understand in which measure the economic and institutional space of São Paulo is propitious for the emergence and organization of innovative local and productive systems using the clothing industry as a case study. The empirical data carne from survey "Pesquisa da Atividade Econômica Paulista PAEP", as well as from interviews with producers and institutions. To identify the structural elements, the productive agglomerations, the city of São Paulo was divided into five areas (center, north, south, east, west), which we have associated with a "specialization indicator". To analyze the technical-productive strategies of the agglomerates, the technological patterns and the mechanisms of interaction, were compared. The results show that the main agglomerations of clothing industry are in the Central and Eastern areas of the City of São Paulo This comparison indicates that in the "Central Area", the tecnological characteristics are linked to design development, trademark strengthening and launching of new products, keeping, at the same time, interactions that are more sensitive to the market and the institutions. This structural profile has the character of innovative local productive system. On the other hand, the agglomerate of "Eastern Area", as a result strategies of lower added value and price based competitiveness, has a very week interaction and learning mechanism, thus constituting an agglomerate with a still very tentative organization


aprendizagem vestuario - industria - são paulo (sp) inovações tecnologicas

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