A classificação internacional de funcionalidade, incapacidade e saúde (CIF) e o conceito Bobath / The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the Bobath Concept


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) contextualizes the individual\ s health in an integrative perspective, considering the aspects of the environment in which they live. Its biopsychosocial model approaches the treatment model used in the Bobath Concept (BC). This concept is known to have good clinical results but limitations in recording the outcome. With the release of ICF, the possibility of registering the functional gains obtained with Bobath therapy have been envisioned. The objective of this study was presented in two articles. The first article refers to the reporting experiences of using the ICF as a way of stimulating their applicability. The second one aims to reflect on the congruence between the ICF and the BC and discuss the application of both in neurological rehabilitation. The result shows different strategies for use of the Classification and suggests its use together with the BC, one way to use in a rehabilitation center has been exemplified. The widespread use of the classification associated with an approach already used, either in full or partial format, or under a new structure or pre-established one, can bring benefits for its dissemination, facilitate the training of professionals and allowing the record of gains obtained from functional therapy.


avaliação da deficiência disability evaluation disabled persons incapacidade e saúde classificação internacional de funcionalidade concept formation disability and health formação de conceito international classification of functioning pessoas com deficiência reabilitação rehabilitation

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