A cidade fictiva: visões e mundos da cidade em contos contemporâneos brasileiros, chilenos e portugueses / The concept of "fictive city": he city that is born specifically of literary aesthetic construction by Brazilans, Chileans and Portuguese writers




This research paper puts forward the concept of "fictive city", understood as the city that is born specifically of literary aesthetic construction. This concept enables one to discover the foundations of the city in literature as from the earliest texts of literary creation in the West (Enuma Elish, the Gilgamesh Epic), in order to detect their main characteristics and examine how these constitute building blocks of contemporary Brazilian, Chilean and Portuguese tales in which an idea of "tale from the city" can be perceived. The study of the fictive city sets out certain paradigms, found in a number of different texts, such as La Ciudad está Triste, by Chilean author Ramón Díaz Etérovic, "Timotu Kalu", by Origenes Lessa, "Passeio Noturno I e II", by Rubem Fonseca, and "A tua véspera de Natal", by Portuguese author David Mourão-Ferreira. In addition to these paradigms, certain possible worlds of the fictive city are established, taken from a comparative analysis of the tales: "Amor", by Clarice Lispector, and "La Elegida", by Chilean Lilian Elphick; "Una señora", by Chilean José Donoso, and "Sem Remédio", by Luiz Ruffato; "Busca", by João Antônio and "A Bota", by Portuguese José Rodrigues Miguéis.


callipolis; fictive city; labyrinth; necropolis; tale callípolis; cidade fictiva; conto; labirinto; necrópole

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