A categoria de tempo na enunciação da língua francesa / The tense category in the French language enunciation




Jose Luiz Fiorin, in his Astucias da Enunciação, analyses the categories of the expression of time, space and person. This is the theoretical basis of this study. The dissertation analyses the French language and deals only with the tense category, verifying how its collocation establishes temporal references in discourse by means of concomitance vs non-concomitance categories (anterior/posterior). It is possible to use this as a basis for the Portuguese language because there are many parallels between French and Portuguese in terms of the word classes which express tense (verb, preposition and conjunction), although there are also some points that do not have parallels , as we shall see. The corpus used in carrying out this work is the most quoted newspaper in France: Le Monde, and the daily newspapers of the first five months of 2006 are the basis for the corpus. Firstly, time is considered, and then systematized, examining the enuncive and enunciative systems and the topographical categories of concomitance vs nonconcomitance in relation to the present, past and future. Certain tenses with no equivalents in Portuguese have been recognised, such as the passé simple, passé antérieur and passé surcomposé. Second degree "debreagem" and the subjunctive mood are also analysed, and the dissertation ends with an analysis of the writers intentional action and his verbal neutralizations. Hopefully, this study will contribute to the conceptualisation of the tense category in French, helping the teaching and learning of this language


enunciation; french; semiotics; tense; verb enunciação; francês; semiótica; tempo; verbo

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