A cartilha JurÃdica: aspectos sÃcio-histÃricos, discursivos e multimodais




The central objective of this study is to critically examine laymanâs law guides (booklets), by investigating the social-historical formation of this genre, as well as the verbal and nonverbal textual strategies used by their producers to constitute the social construction of reality, starting from the notion of âlegal stereotypesâ. In order to do this, this research is based on the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis, in association with the notion of genre as social action. Initially, the principal social-historical moments of these legal guides are analyzed, from first genres which have contributed to their development to the appearance of the current booklets. Then the visual rhetoric organization of the laymanâs law guides are discussed in order to comprehend how visual elements interact with the written code to produce meaning. Finally this study investigates the discursive strategies used to constitute âstereotypical scenesâ invoked by the dominant groupsâ desire to legitimize hegemonic relations, to institutionalize order and to maintain power in their hands. The extended corpus is composed of 28 legal guides, divided into two macrocategories of analysis: those that use similar strategies of comic books and those that summarize the law or use question-and-answer format. Among these 28 booklets, six legal guides were selected to compose the restricted corpus with the purpose of observing the most productive linguistic categories used to âconstruct realityâ. Data analysis suggests that: a) laymanâs legal guides follow general trends of discursive change in late modernity, in as much as it is constituted by a tension of discourses and voices, whose meanings are produced by the integration of words and images; b) more than linguistic realizations, the discursive strategies observed in legal guides constitute powerful resources of discursive and ideological action used by their authors aiming to produce the naturalization of legal stereotypes and the readersâ adhesion to the reality constructed by elites


letras lingÃÃstica â anÃlise do discurso crÃtica estereÃtipo normativo multimodality discourse analysis legal stereotype cartilha jurÃdica â anÃlise do discurso multimodalidade discursiva leamanâs legal guide (booklet) genre critical

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