A carta argumentativa e uma dissertação modificada? : um estudo sobre estrategias mobilizadas na argumentação da carta no Vestibular da Unicamp / Is argumentative letter a modified dissertation? : a study about argumentative strategies in the letter in Unicamp Vestibular




The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse linguistic resources and strategies that characterize argumentative letters and to show that they differentiate these letters from dissertative texts in Unicamp Vestibular. In the first chapter, texts written by Comvest (Comissão Organizadora do Vestibular da Unicamp) are analysed in order to present the context of the exam and to understand the objectives around the writing of the argumentative letter. In the second chapter, the exams from 1987 to 2007 are analysed in order to show how the organization of the demands in the exam have influence in the argumentation of the argumentative letters. It can be observed that these demands suggest some strategies and resources to differentiate the letter from other dissertative texts. It can also be observed that changes that were made in the exam in 2004 influence the argumentative strategies in the letters. In the last chapter, the 1993 exam is analysed as well as a corpus of ten argumentative letters written by students. The purpose of this analysis is to show which argumentative strategies are used by the students when writing the letters. This analysis shows that these strategies characterize this discoursive genre from other argumentative genres


comunicação e argumentação lingua portuguesa - redação portuguese language vestibular exam comunication and argumentation exame vestibular

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