A avaliação da aprendizagem no atendimento de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na classe comum




This research pretend contributing as a reflection over some dilemmas currently present in the learning evaluation system, regarding basically to the students with special necessities and how they has been evaluated at the regular school. To understand the current situation, we go back to the history of special education and the related evaluation system, emphasizing the legislation which drives the teaching and the evaluation method of learning, as used by the teachers of the São Paulo State Public Schools. The research, as a qualitative kind and explorer nature, has been made using questionnaires filled by teachers of the 5th grade of the Fundamental Course of a public school. The results put in relief contradictory aspects, particularly in the way they are connected to the identification of educational necessities of the pupils, as well as related to the knowledge of these who are specific in the process of their evaluation. To sum up, this is the requirements of the learning process with students dealing with special education necessities in regular classroom, as though the adaptation during the evaluation according to its importance.


psicologia educação especial avaliação escolar school evaluation special education necessities necessidades educacionais especiais special education

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