A Auditoria de Desempenho e suas diferenças metodológicas com o GESPÚBLICA: uma contribuição para a melhoria das atividades de controle interno realizadas na Marinha do Brasil / The performance audit and their methodological differences with the GESPUBLICA : a contribution to improving internal controls in the navy of Brazil




The performance audit has been much discussed by the organs of government auditing in several countries, in view of the great importance of their activities result in improved management of public organizations. Accordingly, the Court of Audit (TCU), the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control has issued several guidelines that support the activities of the Organs of Internal Control for each ministry. However, in order to check methodological differences between the guidelines for measuring the performance assessment derived from the TCU and other organs of control and those from the Ministry of Planning, the program GESPÚBLICA, the benefits offered by the use of indicators performance may not be fully achieved. Thus, the fundamental purpose of this research was to conduct a case study of promoting a discussion of the points of divergence and convergence between the two methodologies employed in the performance evaluation conducted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy in UJ, based on the Normative No 57/2008 of the Court of Audit (TCU), and employed by the Board of Directors of the Navy, which is based on the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA in order to contribute to the improvement of audit conducted by DCOM. To achieve this purpose, were first detailed theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology of performance assessment used in the management performance audit initiative promoted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy (DCOM) units in their court (UJ), whose foundations are directly based on instructions issued by the Court of Audit (TCU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control. Were then addressed the specific aspects related to management assessment methodology disclosed by the Board of Directors of the Navy (DAdM), whose foundations are directly based on the concepts guide for the state of the art in existing public management in the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA. In the end, there were discussions of the hypotheses and presented suggestions for improving the methodology currently applied by the DCOM with a view to greater convergence with the methodology for assessing the performance of management advocated by GESPÚBLICA and disclosed by DAdM and that, besides not are contrary to rules issued by the TCU, whose obedience is obligatory for the bodies of internal control of MB, improve the audit methodology for assessing performance used by DCOM and create a management environment management in the UJ and the organs of internal control that might allow better decision-making of public managers, always looking for optimal performance.


auditoria de desempenho internal control. public management ciencias contabeis indicadores de desempenho performance indicators performance audit great performance gestão pública controle interno desempenho Ótimo

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