A atuação do complexo agroindustrial canavieiro em rede : o exemplo de Nova Luzitânia-SP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this research was to analise the evolution of the production processes and work at the mesoregions of São José do Rio Preto and Araçatuba, mainly at the microregions of Auriflama and Araçatuba specifying the city of Nova Luzitânia. In these was developed the Agro-industrial Complex operating through the geographics nets. In order to better understand the development of these regions, an investigation of the history of the social relationship in the area, starting from the 19th century until the nowadays was made. The region is characterized by the presence of immigrants from other states and countries, who came to the North-East of the São Paulo state initially to work with coffee cultivars. With the decrease in the coffee production and expansion of cotton farming, influenced by railroad construction and mainly in the city of Araçatuba, these immigrants moved to the small villages and hamlets creating the new microregions of Araçatuba and Auriflama, intensifying the cotton production together with cattle. With the diminution of cotton productivity due to a plague known as “bicudo” and strong international competition, the owners and inhabitants of these microregions chose to invest in intensive beef and dairy cattle farming, giving to Araçatuba city the title of “The Fat-Bull Capital”. From 1975 to 1979, the mesoregions of Araçatuba and São José do Rio Preto were included as interest areas to the National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL), having its first production units installed. The program was created in order to provide more dynamism to these mesoregions and through ethanol production, progress the country to be less dependent on international petroleum supplies. In the 1980s, the Program of Sugarcane Expansion for Fuel Production of the State of São Paulo (PROCANA) worked to generate funding and reduce fees to investors in this sector, resulting in an increase of investment interest. The increasing international demands for sugar provided stability to the sector and boosted sugarcane processing between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s when, due to the advent of biofuel engines, ethanol production was increased to huge levels. The agro-industrial sugarcane business now has a large commercial complexity, being present in a number of territories with a range of extensions and coverage during the harvest and pre-harvest periods. Nevertheless, this research enphasizes that the best way to study and understand the agro-industrial complex is over its acting network.


geografia - análise de redes geografia urbana geografia regional agroindústria canavieira - são paulo (estado) network analysis (geography) regional geography sugarcane industry urban geography

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