A atividade de reforço na escola pública como espaço para a construção de cidadania / Remidial work activity at public school as a critical citizenship space




The focus of this study is a research entitled: The Remedial work activity at São Paulos public school as a space for citizenship construction which had as the main objective to contribute with teachers from a São Paulo public shool to reflect upon the spaces they promote for citizenship in a studentss formation space. Taking into consideration citizens awareness in their actions, through proposed tasks and the discussions promoted in formation spaces. The research had the aim at discussing how this remidial work activity was organized as a citizenship space for the public school students. From a Socio Historical Cultural Activity Theory - SHCAT (Vygotsky, 2000/1934, Leontiev, 2003/1977 and Engestöm,1999), Citizenship as a Legal Condition and Desirible Activity (Wayne, N. &Kymlicka, W. 1997) and Critical Thinking (Brookfield and Preskill, 1987 &Brookfield, 1999), I had as action project to discuss the didatic tasks proposed by the teacher. From the same theoretical approach, I analised the discursive spaces promoted by the teacher through discussions during the tasks. This research is inserted in a critical perpsective and adopts a collaborative posture (Magalhães, 1994 and Liberali &Liberali, 2001) in the whole work development. The data was collected in a São Paulo public school teaching formation Program entitled Citizen Action. More specifically, during both 2004 semesters in a public school in Carapicuiba, a city placed in the sorroundings of São Paulo. There were eight classes recorded and three of them were analized and discussed. The context of production and thematic content analizys (Bronckart, 1997) had the objective of verifying which object was constructed during the data collection period and how this object relates with the critical citizenship concept. The three classes analized interpretation shows that the themes were conducted to colaborate with more participative citizens in the classroom operations


linguistica aplicada remedial work reforço escolar teoria da atividade citizenship cidadania activity theory ensino fundamental -- recuperacao

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