A atividade de inteligência e o direito no combate ao crime de lavagem de dinheiro




The present work, under the title The Intelligence Activity and the Law in the Figthing to the Money Laundering Crime, puts in evidence the concern about the increasing of this crime and the ones connected with its repercussion in the Brazilian society. Yet, the work has the purpose to identify by the documental deductive method whether the intelligence activities developed in Brazil, in the context of the analysis of the suspected financial operations for intervention of the Counsel of the Financial Activities Control (COAF), created on basis in the Recommendations of the Financial Action Group about Money Laundering (FATF), as if the intelligence activities performed by other countries with the same purpose, and if the legal Brazilian practices on basis of its legislations too as of FATFs signatories countries appropriately contribute efficiently for the fighting to the laundering money.


órgãos nacionais crimes conexos direito pátrio international law repression repressão crime de lavagem de dinheiro direito internacional direito penal intelligence activity brazilian law connected crimes national organs international cooperation prevenção atividade de inteligência money laundering crime prevention international organisms cooperação internacional organismos internacionais

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