A assessoria jurídica universitária em direitos de gênero como uma estética da amizade


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study examines the practices in university legal counsel, questioning the experience of Generalizing Group-G8 (G8-G) workers of the Office of Legal Counsel of Rio Grande do Sul Federal University (UFRGS-SAJU) working with gender rights. The study investigates how the practice of university legal counsel arises as an ethic that enhances the production of an aesthetic of friendship between G8-G workers. The methodological approach is photographic intervention, embedded within social psychology and research intervention, based on monitoring the group and using tools derived from the institutional analysis. The photographic intervention allows the analysis of what is utterable and visibilities present in G8-G using the tools of analysis of implication, research diary, restoration and photography workshops. The photographic intervention is based on the concept of the photographic act where not only the images are important, but the entire process involved in producing, looking, contemplating, thinking and dealing with the photographs. Discussions provoked by the intervention, analyzed in the light of the notions of self, ethics and aesthetics in Foucault and which embody the concept of aesthetics of friendship, indicate G8-G as a collective in flow composed of movements that produce subjectivity, being these movements advice, gender and disciplines. G8-G experiences are configured as a practice where a work by itself on itself stands as a work ethic that points towards an aesthetic of friendship that summons other ways to operate in university legal counsel, by flattening, decentralization, partnership, dealing with the complexity and instability towards a singularity of the paper and a composition of life as a work of art.


assessoria jurídica universitária legal advice university gender rights gênero subjetividade subjective processes estética aesthetics of friendship photographic intervention amizade fotografia

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