A arte de aprender e ensinar: um estudo sobre a prática pedagógica dos egressos dos cursos de licenciatura em letras e matemática da URI/FW em sua relação com a formação docente acadêmica




The research, The Art of Learning and Teaching: a study about the Pedagogical Practice of the Graduate in the Graduation Courses of Language Arts and Matematics from the Regional Integrated University of Frederico Westphalen, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in its relations to the Academic Formation of Educators which appeared from personal remarks and considerations of the researcher as a teacher in the Early Childhood Education. With that purpose one looks for to demonstrate how the art of learning and teaching was grasped by the graduate in the Graduation Courses of Language Arts and Matematics from the URI, of Frederico Westphalen and how that interferes in their pedagogical practices, that is to say, the aesthetic relation built during the teaching formation, while being a student-teacher, and the influences of that university formation process in practice at daily pedagogical work. The study is based on the theories of Freire and the written works by Assman, Arroyo, Cunha, Fernandes, Giroux, Nóvoa, Pimenta, Rios, Tardif, Zeichner among others. Those authors and their theoretical directrixes based on the pedagogical formation of educators, the pedagogical practice and the aesthetics of learning and teaching evidencing some alternatives for educational changes. The investigation was centered in a qualitative approach by collecting important information to the theoretical understanding of the referred theme. It was made a field research through narratives and half-structured interviews with ten graduate in Language Arts and Matematics Courses in the URI of Frederico Westphalen, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, who are active teachers of Early Childhood Education in the particular and state teaching chain in the municipality of Frederico Westphalen. With those data one has made the analyse into two categories: the aesthetics of learning and teaching and the relationship between theory and practice. The research has shown the importance of knowledge from experience, thus requiring an intrinsic relationship between university and school. It reaffirmed that the aesthetics in learning and teaching is fundamental and it can be much more a reality in schools and formative institutions, the owners of new scores, with dialogues, investigations and actions


educacao teaching, aesthetics, pedagogical practice prática pedagógica teaching formation estética formação docente docência aprender ensinar learning

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