A apropriação e percepção de um rio urbano: o caso do ribeirão Jacaré de Itatiba (SP)




This dissertation has as the main objective identify the peoples perception and appropriation in relation with the urban rivers. The object of this study is the Jacaré brook, which is born and flows into the city named Itatiba (SP). With the help of a schedule and pre established standards, interviews were done with different segments of society organized civil society (ONG JAPPA), the municipal public power (mayor), regional water administration institutions (Committee and Consortium of basins), and common citizens which are familiar with the river. Our interviews interpretations allowed us identify the peoples collective feelings about the Jacaré brook in the material area (landscape and environment) such as in the symbolic area (sentimental and affective). The definition of an urban river and its characteristic aspects also appear in this work. It aims to evince the relation between the river (water and river bank) and the population in front of the changes since the first quarter of the twenty century. The space that before was designated to leisure and social conviviality became a space hardly used and an urban level almost zero. What was possible to realize with the theorist base and with the interviews is that the complexities of the morphological dynamic of the cities environment reflect in the changes of the society values that used to be in these spaces. The clean river and the accesses to its bank propitiated activities that today are not possible, not only because of the conviviality space and social meeting, but also because the bad quality of these spaces (water and river banks). This study intended to understand the complexity of the relations in the water and urban environment areas, which embraces aspects of accesses, appropriation and a great faculty in the subjective area. Realize these relations, identify in people the feeling of belonging to a natural good and the values change that occurred contribute to a better understanding about the present scenery that embrace Jacaré brook and the futures perspectives of this relation.


permanent preservation areas bacias hidrográficas urbanidade river basins urban rivers áreas de preservação permanente rios urbanos water in urban environment arquitetura e urbanismo água no meio urbano water resources urban administration recursos hídricos urbanity gestão urbana

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