A aprendizagem do acompanhamento harmônico no acordeom : o percurso de três crianças


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aimed to understand and analyze general as children learn to perform the rhythmic-harmonic accompaniment on the accordion of the music studied. The design methodology adopted was based on principles of Piaget s Clinical Method. Data collection was performed with three children aged between 7.5 and 8.5 years old in the context of individual classes of an accordion held in a formal space of music education, from April to October 2011, in Porto Alegre - RS. The data recording was done in the field diaries and filming the whole accordion lessons, which occurred in the interviews and clinical observations arising from adaptation of the method in order to consider the singularities of the context and dynamics of classes. From the data collected the composition of protocol was done for each subject researched describing the moment where the problematic of research is made explicit. The theoretical base of research comes from Jean Piajet¿s genetic epistemology, and enabled the understanding the journey of learning of the subjects during the lessons. The results showed that over the lessons of accordion awareness of actions were happening, especially as the subjects did to perform changes in the implementation of followup. The awareness about why the need for such changes was not given on the basis of explanations that consistently consider all harmonic date elements involved in music examined. It was found, too, levels of awareness about the distinction between consonance and dissonance in this achievement and the role of learning was significant. The main contribution of this research is to explain the trajectory of the subjects, showing how they perceive, understand and explain the harmonic scale involved in learning the accordion. The research contributes to the area of Music Education and articulating contributions of Genetic Epistemology and Music Education in understanding the child s musical development.


educação musical learning musical harmony epistemologia genética accordion genetic epistemology music education

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