A aprendizagem da língua portuguesa como segunda língua para surdos : contribuições de estratégias metalinguísticas em língua de sinais.




The education of deaf and more specifically the teaching of Portuguese as a second language to deaf is one of the most complicate questions to the professionals of the area. That is why this work investigates the use of metalinguistic strategies by the deaf, in Sign Language, as an easier element to the reflection and learning of written Portuguese as a second language. Sign Language is the first language of the deaf and it is possible to think that through it the deaf can use metalinguistic strategies, as it happens with listeners, based on the first language, and reflects on the linguistic domain and contribute to the learning of Portuguese as a second language. So, this work wants to identify the use of metalinguistic strategies in Sign Language, and how this process can collaborate to the learning process of a second language. To attain these goals, a qualitative investigation was done through the evaluation of the case with an adult deaf, fluent in Sign Language and studying at the 5th grade, Fundamental School, but not using Portuguese appropriately in an efficient way. Every week, for one year, the patient attended Speech and Language Therapy, in individual sessions of 60 minutes. In these sessions, the instruction language was Sign Language and the patient had contact with activities that stimulate the use of metalinguistic, first to promote the conscience of the Sign Language or L1 and after to stimulate the analysis of Portuguese or L2, by comparing them. All sessions were recorded and transcribed. After that, data was analyzed based on interpretative analyses to understand the process and to verify the use of metalinguistic strategies by the deaf. As a result of this process, I realized that it is possible to stimulate metalinguistic strategies in deaf people, promoting this language as a mother tongue and valuing the deaf, it contributes to the subjective construction of the linguistic person as an user of the language considered as equal status as oral languages. More than that, it was possible to realize the use of four kinds of metalinguistic strategies: 1 MT 1 (SL → SL), 2 MT 2 (SL → L1), 3 MT 3 (SL → PL) and 4 MT 4 ( PL → PL). Those strategies helped then approach to the target language, in this case, written Portuguese. Despite not being part of the objectives of this work the grasp of written Portuguese by the deaf person, it was possible to observe the increasing of lexicon in this language, a larger domain of writing and perception of different uses of Portuguese in the literary society. Another aspect was the valorization of Speech and Language Therapy by the deaf person once that he realized that the activities had made easier his contact with the target language and had stimulated him to use it every day.


deaf metalinguagem ensino de segunda língua teaching a second language surdez língua brasileira de sinais deaf education língua portuguesa portuguese language metalanguage brazilian sign language educação de surdos educacao

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