A aposentadoria por idade no regime geral de previdência social




Its too recent the studies about employee of a pension social welfare instituition law in Brazil. Herewith, became necessary a deep work in this subject to allow the lawyers the possibility to find conceptions and studies that are absent in our works law. This work went to history to tell about the social protection since its was born, first like a care assistance on XV century until nowadays. Its was possible check an evolution on social protection field, that had the first reach with Bismarck, in 1883, and, on that time just assure a little the workers. Slowly, this covering became deficient in front of the necessity to protect who that are in case of needing. On XX century, Beveridge create what nowadays is called Social Welfare Work, enlarging the protection just not only with the benefit, but with the services. In other time, the work had an evolution on old age, in Brazil and for the world, with the purpose of demonstrate that how important is the old age protection , mainly because the world modification on population number, where the old age has been subject of large contends, for that socials covering plans can be prepared to care all large number of old age people that promises to exceed the infant mortality rate. In Brasil, there are three kinds of age retirement , different about , if from the city, from the country or obliged to, and about this last one its different from what the fundamental law of state establish. Each one of these kinds has different way of be and are studies one by one. , Finishing, its possible say that the age retirement is sofering modifications by the possibilities to fix the age for retirement by the time of they pay the taxes. . Therefore, with the old people age living more, mainly the women , its not possible allow that people get retired five years before than men and that the age still be the same, face the longer hope of live


age retirement seguridade social direito social protection proteção social aposentadoria -- brasil care assistance previdencia social -- brasil social welfare work assistência privada aposentadoria por idade

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