A Agenda da Transformação: a Grande Imprensa e a Hegemonia Neoliberal no Brasil (o governo Itamar Franco - 1993-1994 - e o Refluxo da Agenda) / The Agenda of the Transformation: The Press and the Neo-liberal Hegemony in Brazil




This study analyses the hegemony of neo-liberal ideas in Brazil in a special period - from the impeachment of the president Collor till the years of Itamar Franco during 1993 and 1994 - based on the editorials of four big journals and one magazine: Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de São Paulo, Jornal do Brasil, O Globo and Revista Veja. Conceiving the press as an ideological vehicle, as we do, means to face it as having an important place in formulating and difusing an agenda to obtain hegemony, in this case, neo-liberal. Such institutions tried to mantain the agenda that had begun with Collor in spite of the fact of Itamar Franco´s national-development ideas. Indeed, the new agenda supported themes like "privatization" and "internationalization of national economy" against the Keynesian model - which was hegemonic between 1930 and 1980. Hence, those who supported this last one were considered incapable or conservative, which shows the ideological and no democrat position of such presses.


imprensa ultraliberalismo hegemonia

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