A afetividade nos processos de transformação: Uma reflexão sobre a relação entre profissionais e usuários do serviço de atenção a violência


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation is the result of research undertaken in a non-governmental organization, Acer Brasil, located in Diadema, Sao Paulo. The objective of the research is to reflect on the relationship between educators and adolescents within a service for people suffering various forms of violence, focusing on the affectivity of the relationship. The research utilized documentary analysis and interviews/supervisions with professionals providing the service and the service users. The analysis was undertaken utilizing the theories of Social Psychology Social History, using the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza (1632 1677) and the works of the Russian author Lev. S. Vygotsky (1896 1934). The research considers the relation of violence as meetings mediated by illusionary ideas that limit the life potential in oppressive situations, and that ideas, emotion and imagination are inseparable, and sought to prioritize affectivity in the analysis of the educator/adolescent relationship. The material conditions of existence and the educator reveal themselves as fundamental aspects that mediate this process. In this way the research raises important aspects in the configuration of the social-educational process as a good Espinozian meeting: confidence, identification, friendship, desire for freedom and common feeling (compassion, sharing of feelings, affects and activity). The process of constitution of feelings and meanings also showed themselves as important for the process, principally through the possibility of sharing between the educator and the adolescent. The research also alerts us to the importance of clarity of role for the educator while facilitating these relationships and the risk that the closeness offered when this role is overlaid by confused affects that place both educator and adolescent in the same range of passions, thereby paralyzing development


afetividade violência transformação emoções psicologia social affectivity violence transformation emotions

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