3S1 and ¹S0 meson spectra in a renormalized QCD-inspired model


Brazilian Journal of Physics




In this work we study an extension of a light-cone QCD-inspired model, where the interacting part of the mass squared operator consists of a harmonic oscillator potential as confinement, a Coulomb-like interaction and a zero-range spin interaction acting on the ³S0 states. The renormalization of the model is performed by using as a input the pion mass to fix the strength of the spin interaction. We apply the extended model to study the splitting of the ³S1 and ³S0 ground state mesons and the spectrum in the light meson sector. We show that the experimental values of the splitting between the masses of ³S1 and ³S0 ground state mesons as a function of the ground state pseudoscalar mass is reproduced by the model. In the botonium case our result is consistent with other theoretical estimates.

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