1 / 1: a experiência de projeto




The objective of this work it is the construction of arguments in a way to established a theoric foundation of a specific practice of project teaching in architecture. Starting by the consideration of the moment of crisis in which the teaching of this discipline, a didactic proposal is presented and disserted in this work. The proposal has the art as a paradigmatic horizon, more exactly, the artistic making. Focusing the process of creation, the work of three artists is utilized as a reference. They are: the material-intuitive via of Vladimir Tatlijn, the incorporation of invention of Hélio Oiticica and the action-thougths of Allan Wexler. The didactic experiments incorporate the concepts and practices of this artists, valorizing, above all, the experience of corporal making of their works. As an alternative of teaching, the construction process of the projects developed by the students is inserted in their formation, looking for the improvement of the cognitive and operative skills related to the architectonic practice. Searching for the formation of the body as an architect, the experiments try to reduce the distance between the student and the object projected. The students experiment the phases of the architectonic production cycle (project, construction and appropriation) condensed in a didactic proposition. In the development of this exercise, it can be noted that together with the execution of the objects, a critical posture in relation to the architectural production is edified.


arquitetura arte. projeto arquitetônico estudo e ensino. arquitetura estudo e ensino teses.

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