Zanguési, de Velimír Khlébnikov: a utopia da obra de arte como síntese perfeita do universo / Zanguézi, by Velimír Khlébnikov: the utopia of the artwork as the perfect synthesis of the universe


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study is divided in two parts which comprise two objectives with the same level of importance: the first part is a complete annotated translation of Zanguézi, literary text of the Russian poet Velimír Khlébnikov whereas the second is an analytical review of the same work. As a primary objective, this study brings for the first time to Brazilian readers, the last and most important artistic text by Khlébnikov, who is considered one of the main poets of the beginning of the twentieth century. Furthermore, the aim of the second part of the thesis is to analyze the method of creation developed by the author in the elaboration of a new literary genre, the supersaga, in which it connects different systems, i. e., the literary (in the different genres), the poetic (in rhythmic composition) and the linguistic (in the use of Russian language together with a new form: transrational language). In this study, the use of the concept of semiosphere developed by Iúri Lótman in the field of Cultural Semiotics, enabled the assessment of the connection among distinct semiotic systems in the narrative in addition to revealing itself as the mechanism used by the poet to create, in the aesthetic level, his utopian concept of an harmonic universe, perfectly controlled in its functioning and in the parts-whole relationship. The understanding of this mechanism has made the complex work of translation of the text possible. The translation of Zanguézi catered for the need to bring to the Portuguese language a text of great importance for the students of Russian and avant-garde literature, often quoted in literary studies in Brazil. Finally, the analysis of the text corroborates the importance of vanguard studies and the extent to which they can reveal new methods of composition developed in such a fecund period, which influences so much the field of artistic creation until the present day.


cultural semiotics iúri lótman iúri lótman literary theory literatura russa poesia poetry russian literature semiótica da cultura teoria literária tradução translation velimír khlébnikov velimír khlébnikov

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