Xukuru : memorias e historia dos indios da Serra do Ororuba (Pesqueira/PE), 1950-1988 / Xukuru : memories and history of the Serra do Ororuba Indians (Pesqueira/PE), 1950-1988




This research analyzed the oral memories of Xukuru Indians as well as written records in order to understand temporal connections between their fights for land in the 1980s and those that happened in the 1950s, when the establishment of an office of the SPI in Ororubá Sierra, in Pesqueira/PE gave the Xukuru official recognition. In both periods, the Indians claimed their rights because they recalled that their ancestors had received the land as a reward for participating in the War of Paraguay, in a dispute for the land of the officially extinct Village of Cimbres / Ororubá in the end of the nineteenth century. The research brought out elements of these Indians? collective history as well as of a number of their shared historical experiences, which confer them an identity based on a common ancestral space. Accounts of the Xukuru of Ororubá?s oral memories comprise moments that express their everyday life, places, and social activities created in Sierra Ororubá ? pointing out the significance of Cimbres as a space of reference for their mythical-religious memory, which supports the identity of the group ? in addition to employment relations with farmers and experiences as factory workers in Pesqueira. The Indians also report activities, performed for survival due to lack of land and drought periods, in sugar-cane plantations in Zona da Mata, in the South of Pernambuco and in the North of Alagoas, as well as in cotton plantations in Paraíba?s Sertão. Such information emerges from fragments of individual accounts, from autobiographical memories, which are nonetheless part of their collective history. The findings presented here try to elucidate how the Xukuru of Ororubá, relying on memory and on their shared past history, reinterpret events they consider important to guarantee their rights as indigenous people, considering what they have experienced, conceived and expressed


brazil indios - pesqueira (pe) indios xucuru - historia northeast memoria - historia xucuru indians memory history indians

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