Writing and other literacy processes: building the relationship between school literacy and social literacy practices / Escrita e processos de letramento : construindo inter-relações entre conhecimento sistematizado e práticas sociais letradas




This work analyses the relationship between school literacy and social literacy practices for an adult that is learning to read and write and for the researcher that is learning how to become a literacy educator. The linguistic knowledge which is necessary for the acquisition of literacy is taken in consideration. The research was carried out according to the principles of the educational, collaborative ethnography, particularly for data generation. The research locus for the case study was a small farm located in the county of Itapuranga, in the state of Goiás, hinterland Brazil. The research procedures were basically the pedagogical action to teach an adult man to read and write and they focused on the influence of previous knowledge and of the cultural context on the process of writing and on the acquisition of school literacy. This study shows that writing is not an object full of secret codes unavailable to an adult literacy learner. On the contrary: having developed strategies for his insertion in the literacy culture, as a worker and as a consumer, the adult learner has also acquired information about the written language, which can be very useful for his effective transition to the literate world.


educacao school knowledge letramento literacy alfabetização de adultos literacy social practices

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