Womans care experiences: the mothers voice. / VIVÊNCIAS DE CUIDADO DA MULHER: A VOZ DAS PUÉRPERAS.




Puerperium is a period experienced and realized in a singular way by the woman and it requires sensibility and efforts from the health professionals to these women feel valorized and approached as unique and special beings. Thus, this study aimed to comprehend how the woman is experiencing her care in puerperium and was based on the referential theory by Madeleine Leininger and authors who approach this thematic. It is about a qualitative research developed with 10 mothers who came out from the Obstetric Internment Unit of the Academical Hospital Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa FURG and attended in the Nursing Consultation. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews which were completely recorded and transcribed under the participants clear consent. Data were analyzed under the Minayos proposal denominated Data Thematic Analysis. Results reveled three categories: Woman being cared in purperium, Self care in puerperium and Difficulties found by the woman in purperium. I observed that, puerperium is presented as a special period in womans life and it is experienced by her according with her values, beliefs and costumes. The study highlights the familys important role in caring the mother and the cultural influence that family have on the woman. The alterations occasioned in the womans body during pregnancy, birth and in purperium affect her self-image, making her more vulnerable emotionally. For some women, after the birth, the body is ready to breastfeed. In relation to the difficulties faced by the woman in puerperium, I noticed that she can show a roles overload, giving her the sensation of loss of controlling her life, requiring reorganization of her daily. The study also evidenced the presence of a more participative and partner man in the family in alert to womans needs in this period, and more friendly looking for assuming the responsibilities, sharing the caring demands with the woman, the house and the child. To comprehend how these women experience their care in puerperium, easily makes the nurse able to plan educative actions that prepare them to their self-care. I believe that the knowledge shown in this study can contribute to a new look at mothers, making the nurses able to construct a new pattern for their purperium consultations in a way they no more observe only the biological dimension but also to incorporate the womans subjective aspects.


puerperium caring nursing consultation saúde da mulher cuidado puerpério womans health consulta de enfermagem enfermagem

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