Viuvez e reprodução assistida "Post-Mortem": um processo de luto e de decisão / Post-Mortem assisted reproduction: a bereavement and decision process


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Post-Mortem Assisted Reproduction is a subject that belongs to the contemporary world, brought to reality with the biotechnology development and reproduction medicine field progress, which made possible the conception after an individuals death. This subject brings many ethic, political, religious and economic issues that are discussed worldwid, including questions about parenthood, family, life and death. This qualitative research aimed at understanding the meanings given by a widow to her decision about what to do with the deceased husbands cryopreserved genetic material and also to analyze the relation between this decision and the bereavement process. This discussion includes two human relationship domains: the making and the breaking of an affective bond. Therefore, Attachment Theory and the Dual Process Model of Grief were used as background of this research, giving support to its analysis. A widow has willingly accepted to contribute for this study. By means of a semi-structured interview, it was possible to understand her relation with the deceased, the context in which the sperm was collected, the husbands death story and the widows decision on what to do with the semen. Three important experiences affected her decision: her husbands struggle against cancer; after the husbands death; living a new loving relationship. The widows decision was taken along with the bereavement process, during her husbands illness and death, and were understood as indicators of the bereavement process. Meanings attached to her bereavement process were identified, such as a possibility even with the partners death, the product of a built loving relation and failure in accomplish the parental project


decision process psicologia reprodução assistida post-mortem viuvez luto processo de decisão post-mortem assisted reproduction widowhood bereavement

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