Vidas em conexões (in)tensas na UFRGS: o Programa Conexões de Saberes como uma pedagogia do estar-junto na Universidade


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The thesis shows the trajectories and the (in)tense reality of students, teachers and administrators who crisscrossed, enlaced and intertwined their lives in the Knowledge Connections Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, in the period 2005 to 2009. It invokes and provokes a reflection on the ethical, aesthetic and affective provisions manifested in the actions and in the togetherness, the narrations and the testimonies of the lives of those who made and shaped this Program. It highlights the ways that have provided and maintained, (dis)potentialized and (un)worsened and given vigor and vitality to its realization. By listening to the testimonies of the life of students, teachers, administrators, this work exposes the disposition of its author to be listening in on life in its multiple relationships and its inter-laced destinations. To this end, it employs methodological procedures such as memorials, testimonies of life, individual and group interviews (focus group), compilation and analysis of documents, a diary of reflections and other records. The study is configured and focused on a way to do research that permits to be surprised by the mundane, with the trajectory that is shown, with life as it is; as pertains to an open and sensitive reason, to a sociology that is understanding and tender as shaped by Michel Maffesoli, and to Form and Sociology of social forms by Georg Simmel. The paths of life are intertwined beginning from the traces and marks of family and school, of the relations of work and study, community engagement, the choice of courses, the University entrance exam, the entry into higher education, living in the University. The discussion focuses on (1) identification processes and ethics evident in the testimonies, narrations and togetherness, (2) the (in)tense relations lived by the actors who produced the ¿Connections¿, (3) both characterized by conflict as a form of sociation (Vergellschaftung) (Simmel) and transfigured by the power of politics, education, ethics, aestheticism, affectation.


affirmative action and the public university ações afirmativas universidade pública students of working-class origin higher education extensão universitária knowledge connections program estudante ufrgs university extension

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