Utilização do laser de CO2 nas frenectomias labiais e linguais e sua relação com os fatores ortodonticos e fonatorios




The presence of an anomalous frenum, either labial or lingual, can promote many orthodontics and/or speech disorders. When the surgery, so called frenectomv, is done, the professionals have a lot of conventional and standardized techniques that were developed to obtain better clinical results and reduce the effects of the surgery, that although simple, presents all the effects of any small conventional surgery, under local anesthesia. The main effects observed in soft tissue surgeries with scalpel are pain and bleeding which, even present in low intensity, needs suture. The tissue manipulation results in post-operative edema, with or without hematoma and requires analgesic and antinflammatory medication. Considering that the majority of patients submitted to frenectomy are children 3-8 years old which , usually, do not co-operated with the surgery, a quick and efficient procedure, with better post-operative sintoms is always desired. The CO2 laser, through its biologic tissue interaction, is an excellent instrument to this type of surgery, reducing and/or eliminating the adverse factors. The present work shows a large bibliographical revision about the frenum, explains shortly the laser physics, propose and standardize a technique to lingual and labial frenectomies. It also discuss the frenum relationship with orthodontic and speech function, emphasizingthe advantages of early treatment. The surgical technique with CO2 laser, as well as the indication and advantages of each situation, will be presented as 03 independent articles


freios diastema (dentes) cirurgia a laser

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