Uma releitura da mulher angolana em "Lueji", "A gloriosa família" e "Mayombe", de Pepetela : diálogo pós-colonial e feminista




The aim of this research is to show particularities and trends in the Angolan Literature, the rewriting of the dominant history from the aesthetic language point of view and, in this context of representation, present a reading of the women in the Angolan society, from colonization to the present time, highlighting the sincretism and decolonization of the African culture. The Pepetela artist in the novels Lueji (1989) A gloriosa família (1999) and Mayombe (1985) knew how to blend reality and fiction, and therefore construct women s representations at diverse historical moments. To achieve this aim, we will use the post-colonial re-reading strategy and feminism; consequently explanations on Literature, History and the Woman are relevant. It is important to point out that this study investigates the woman s voice in a text whose authorship is male, from simulacre.


ficção angolana - história e crítica mulheres na literatura feminismo pós-colonialismo - angola angolan fiction - history and criticism women in literature feminism

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