A theoretical and experimental investigation of wood combustion / Uma investigação teórico-experimental da combustão de madeira




This work presents an experimental and theoretical analysis of the combustion characteristics of Brazilian woods: pinus (Pinus elliot), ipê branco (Tabebuia roseo-alba), embaúba (Cecropia pachystachya) e eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora). Experimental results of all phases of burning are presented for selected samples of the different woods. Cylinders and slabs of woods are tested for given input heat fluxes in cylinder and cone calorimeters. The effects of orientation of the wood fibers on the burning of slabs in the cone calorimeter are analysed. Mass evolution, mass consumption rates, instantaneous mass consumption rates, ignition times, end of pyrolysis times, fractions of consumed mass, emissions of gases (CO, CO2, NO), O2 concentrations and exhaustion temperatures in all phases are determined for different moisture contents for cylinders and for dry pinus slabs. The effects of sample diameter and input heat flux are analyzed and the temperatures inside the samples are measured for pinus wood. Studies of charcoal formation in the laboratory and in prescribed burns in the Amazon region are presented. The propagation velocities of drying, pyrolysis and smoldering in cylinders and slabs of pinus were determined. Spectral images of the flames produced by the burning of cylinders of the four wood species are presented, for a heat input of 2000 W. The images allow to evaluate and to compare the distributions of some radicals inside the flames. A simplified numerical model is developed and the numerical results are compared to some of the experimental data. The data and results here obtained are useful for application in prevention and control of fires, assessment of risk of fires; analysis of propensity of materials to fire; modeling of flame spread; comparison to other theoretical and numerical models; comparison to experimental data of woods of other countries; related studies of forest fires, prescribed burns and fires, in general.


combustion wood pirólise biomassa madeira models calorimeters calorímetro modelamento biomass combustão smoldering emissões emissions incandecência pyrolysis

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