Uma análise da hipoteca convencional sobre bens imóveis no código civil de 2002




The theme of the present paper is the analysis of the conventional mortgage in the Civil Code of 2002. It talks about the General Theory of the Mortgage Law, focusing on the meaning of mortgage, its general characteristics, the mortgage as kind of real right of pledge, since it s already outdone any discussion about it, the principles of the real rights of pledge and the basic requisites for its constitution. It also talks about the mortgage s indivisibility, the antecipated conquest of debt and the situations that allow it, the fencing of the comissary claus, ahead or not, and the results wagoned by the deficient of the sale at auction, after its indeed. It studies the contents of the mortgage law, focusing on different kinds os mortgage, its purposes, the possibility of estranging the mortgage property and the constitution of sub-mortages. It also analysis the remission of the mortgaged property through its different lawful, the need or not of valuing in a judicial way the mortgaged thing, the mortgage s duration and the subjects about the register, the extinction and the cancellation of the mortgage


direito hipotecário hipotecas -- brasil general theory civil code direito brasil [codigo civil (2002)] convencional mortage teoria geral bens imoveis -- brasil mortage law

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