"Um por todos ou todos por um?": processo avaliativo do canto-coral em escola profissionalizante de música.




The opportunity to teach the discipline Choir, inserted in the curriculum of vocational school of music, in the education of young and old instrumentalists, generated discussion about the evaluation process: how to evaluate the performance of an individual in the collective context of choir singing at school? This problem was the starting point for the research project to be applied to the technical course of instrument at the Centre of professional education Pracatum, located in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The researchs objectives were to create activities to evaluate the individual development; to be coherent with the teaching-learning proposal of professional education; develop or potentiate professionals competencies and abilities required by the current job market; define content to be developed in choral singing and contribute to the creation of theoretical and practical knowledge for the voice instrument. A sequence of musical activities was elaborated and applied, on three classes from the first year, involving voice instrument guidelines tackling execution, appreciation, theoretical knowledge, creation and aspects of techniques used to verify the individual development. The base for this creation was the C.(L).A.(S).P model, developed by Keith Swanwick. The results achieved in the application of these activities aim to be a relevant strategy for content verification, teaching material and method, teaching approach and the evaluation process. This data allows us to conclude that a well-planned and diverse evaluation, considering the duration of the class, the deadlines and dates of the school calendar, the proposed educational objectives, content and the process developing students musical knowledge, fits the vocational school context.


avaliação musical canto coral proposta metodológica musical evaluation choir methodological proposal canto

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