Um modelo para recuperação por conteudo de imagens de sensoriamento remoto




Content-based retrieval of images is a topic of growing interest given us multiple applications. One kind of images that have not yet been dealt with satisfactorily are the so-called Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing Images (RSI) are a especial type of image, created by combination of sensoring on different spectral bands . This work deals with the problem of content-based retrieval of Remote Sensiong Images(RSI). It uses the image retrieval approach based on content representation models from image processing area. This work presents a content-based image retrieval model for RSI, based on three main features: patterns of color and texture as basic query concept, use of multiple content representation modelsanda feedback Televance machanism. The main contributions os these work are: (1) an analysis of content-based RSI pro,. blems; (2) a proposal of a model for RSI retrieval; (3) a proposal of model and metric for similarity measure; (4) a proposal of algorithm for processing of content-based queries


sistemas de recuperação de informação processamento de imagens bancos de dados

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